
Friday, September 21, 2007

Tue, Sep 25th - Zion & Discovery Rally Begins

Today was a much warmer one at Zion National Park and not so far to drive from the campground. It got up to 81 deg down in the valley between all of the huge rock formations. You had to lean way back to be able to look up at the top of the rocks! It was almost impossible to get a ground to sky picture from our vantage points.

We spent the day with two other Discovery couples, John and Judy Wittenberg (IL) and Bill and Judy Wagner (KY). Chuck took picture. Note the large opening in the rock directly above my head--that is a window in the long tunnel that we drove thru.

This is called the "Checkerboard Mesa" and was a very unusual rock formation.

You drive thru part of the park and the other part you ride on a shuttle bus like the one above, getting on and off throughout the park. We went to the visitor center first and saw a film about the park, which got us orientated as to what we wanted to stop and see.

We had lunch on the patio of the lodge and this was our view.

That evening after Happy Hour and a light dinner, the Discovery Club members all gathered around a fire to talk about what everyone did today.

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