
Monday, September 17, 2007

Thu, Sep 20th - CO National Monument

Today we drove up into the Colorado National Monument--more curvy "S" roads with few guard rails to get up to the top of the mesa. We stopped at the visitor center and saw two videos: one about the park and the other about the geology of the park. They had some nice displays and some stuffed (preserved) lizards and scorpions. I took a picture of them in their cases because I didn't think we'd get to see any--BUT Chuck did spy one lizard and got a picture of it that I've posted below. No live scorpions though; so the picture is not of one that's alive. It was a very hot day, but a bright blue sky with some nice white puffy clouds. It is SOOOO dry here and I'm having a little trouble with my nose bleeding--but not bad.

I've seen these yellow flowering plants all over Colorado along the side of the road but didn't know what they were until we went to this visitor center and they had all of the plant life labeled--its a "rubber rabbitbrush". Below are some of the rock formations that we saw:

This one shows the Colorado River over in the valley. We've seen a lot of this river while in CO!

Okay, enough with the rock formations. Here's the "live" lizard that we saw. His underbelly was a bright turquoise color. Colorado National Monument website

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