
Friday, September 21, 2007

Mon, Oct 1st - Capitol Reef National Park

Now here's our view out the front of the coach at the Torrey Campground!
Today a lot of us drove to the Capitol Reef National Park close by. We stopped into the Visitor Center and watched a video about the Park. While there, we took a group photo of five of the couples attending our Discovery Rally. See below.

Bill & Judy Wagner, Judy Wittenberg, myself & Chuck, Betty & Jr. Mertz, John Wittenberg, and new members from Virginia, Violet & Bob Radd (they only live about 30 miles from us in Warrenton, VA and we had to come all this way to get to meet them!)

Below are some of the rock formations that we saw. Several of us took a short hike into one of the canyons called the "Grand Wash" where we saw some unusual rock formations. It's amazing just how many different rock formations and colors there are in just this 12-1/2 mile stretch of road!

These rocks look like gigantic pieces of chocolate!

Here's part of the Scenic drive into the park.

Aren't these weird formations in this rock? Some were like seats and each couple sat in them and we took their picture!

What a sky! This area is called "Capitol Gorge." Kind of looks like the capitol building in Washington, DC, hugh?

This evening we had a wonderful meal cooked by the folks that run the campground! Chuck had a huge ribeye steak and I had ribs along with salad, potatoes, baked beans and scones with honey butter! Oh and ice cream and cookie for desert. We had enough steak and ribs leftover to have for dinner the next night!

Grandkids and Nephew Mason:

What are pictographs and petroglyphs and what did they depict? (When we get to Moab, we hope to take some pictures to show you.

Pictographs are painted pictures on rock surfaces and petroglyphs are carved or pecked pictures. They both are pictures of people, animals and other shapes and forms left on rock surfaces.

Capitol Reef:

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