
Friday, July 24, 2009

Warren, IN - Visiting Campbells

Fri (7/24/09 ): We left the FMCA Convention and headed west on Rt. 6 toward IN and then drove south on the beltway around Fort Wayne and got into Warren, IN about 2:00 p.m.. We stopped at the truck stop to dump one tank and fill up the other. We got all setup behind the "Big" House (water & electric) and headed over to the Campbell's for happy hour. Later, we headed to Ivanhoe's in Upland for tenderloin sandwiches and a strawberry shortcake with whipped cream and vanilla ice cream that the 4 of us shared it was so huge!

Sat (7/25/09): A thunderstorm rolled in about 4:00 a.m. and out went the power. Being hooked up to power behind the nursing home ("Big" House), their generator soon kicked in and we were back up and running. It was going to be a rainy morning. We headed back over to the Campbell's for breakfast--Lois' yummy Belgium waffles. After, Lois and I headed over to Warren's farmers' market and picked up a dozen ears of fresh corn on the cob, Jalapeno jelly (for Chuck) and apricot jelly and apple pie. Lunch was taken care of! I also picked up a box of frozen lightly breaded pork tenderloins to take home. I haven't seen any of these back in VA. Chuck spent several hours helping Jim figure out what was wrong with his computer. Lois and I spent the afternoon doing crafts--knitting & embroidery. We went to Fort Wayne for dinner tonight at Don Hall's Tavern . The martini's were good, oh and the dinner too!

Sun (7/26/09): We had a relaxing morning and early afternoon and I worked on the spreadsheet for our Colorado trip that we are going on with the Halsteads and Campbells. JimC is planning the route and the daily outings. Then Lois and I went in to the look at the gift shop items in "The Big House". I wanted to get a ceramic blow fish for my souring pad for the kitchen. I found a green one, which was just what I wanted! Then we went with the Campbells over to Huntington to the 4H Fair. Great hometown fair with NO rides. Great place for families to get together, look at all of the 4H projects and see the farm animals and of course EAT. We had smoked pork chops, applesauce, chips and bread with drink for $5.00! Where else can you eat like that for $5.00!
Monday we head to Indy to get tires for the Discovery and then head back to VA, where we will be home by noon on Tuesday. Seems like we are always planning the next trip(s) while we are on a trip. Isn't that what retirements all about!