
Friday, September 21, 2007

Sun, Sep 30th - Travel from Bryce Canyon to Torrey, UT

It got down to 23 degs F last night and everyone had unhooked their water hoses and brought in anything that would freeze from their coach basements. Today we drove in small groups of 2 or 3 coaches up Scenic Hwy 12 to Rt 24 to Thousand Lakes RV Park in Torrey, UT.

Irrigation is the main reason there is green grass in the valleys here in Utah! They seem to be spouting water somewhere all the time. Because it was so cold this morning, the water was making ice on the grass in many places.

This is such an unusual rock coloration with the stripes of brown in it.

Here's where the road got kind of curvy!

We followed this river bed for many miles and even saw some horses down in it out on the open range.

Out the front window of the coach. We were climbing up the side of a mountain with dropoffs on the drivers side and then we got to a place, which I think was called the Devil's Backbone, where the dropoffs were on both sides of the road as we rode along the top ridge of the mountain. It was kind of scary and I didn't get any pictures of that area!

After getting back into the forested area, we drove by an area that had these lava rocks!

Here we are heading down the mountain into Boulder, UT.

We have great fast WiFi here in Torry, but no cell service. We have a beautiful view out the front window of the coach. Check out tomorrow's pictures of the view!

Check out the pictures that I finally posted of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Mon, Sep 24th! Thousand Lakes RV Park

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