
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Driving the Alpine Loop in CO

Sun Sep 20, 2009: All of us (Tolsons, Campbells & Halsteads) rented jeeps for the day here in Lake City and headed out early (0730) to jeep the Alpine Loop. We headed out for Cinnamon Pass (12,640 ft) by driving past beautiful Lake San Cristobal where an elk ran across the road in front of us. We noted that there were alot of beautiful cabins and houses for sale along this part of the trail.

We took a side trip up to Wager Gulch and stopped at the Carson Ghost Town. It was very windy at the top of Cinnamon Pass and one woman who got out of her jeep with a hat on, quickly lost it over the mountain!

Carson Ghost Town Up Wager Gulch Trail [Where's Donna [left] going with that roll of toilet paper?]

Windy Cinnamon Pass at 12,640 ft--Jim & Lois Campbell, Mem & Larry Halstead and Donna Tolson

Mountain Goats on Side of Trail

We reached Animas Forks just in time to eat our picnic lunch and take advantage of the "facilities". We encountered a quick shower just as we were about to eat, so we had to sit in our jeeps. The rain cleared up soon after, but it was still a gray cloudy drive from then on out. We headed back out on the trail and headed for "Oh Point" and Engineer Pass (12,800 ft). The ledge road at the top of the mountain was narrow and the strip of land out to "Oh Point" was renamed by me to "Oh Shit Point". It is not a place for the faint of heart!!! It was very cold and windy there, but we had a 360 deg view down and of all the mountains around us. When we reached Engineer Pass and stopped to take pictures, it began to snow. We were glad that it was all down hill from there back to Lake City.

Donna Beside Rented Jeep on "Oh [Shit] Point" with Engineer Mt in Background

The Road Back up to Trail from Oh Point--and the Grade Up is?

Sleet and Snow on the Trail Down from Engineer Pass

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