
Monday, September 21, 2009

Slumgullion Pass to Creede, CO

Mon Sep 21, 2009: Today we drove the Silver Thread Scenic Byway over the Slumgullion Pass down to Creede, were we ate lunch at the Mermaid Cafe. Along the way we stopped and saw the Slumgullion Earthflow (and it's still slowly moving today) and the headwaters of the Rio Grande River. After lunch, we had ice cream at The Old Firehouse Restaurant.

Lake San Cristabal Near Lake City [road on bottom right was the beginning of the Alpine Loop Road]

Beautiful Day with Beautiful Scenery--Headwaters of the Rio Grande

Downtown Creede [Bachelor Loop Road Runs Straight up Thru Town Thru the 2 Mountains of Road]

Mermaid Restaurant [Gourmet Sandwiches and Soup]--Very Good!

In Creede, we picked up a map of the Bachelor Loop at the Visitor Center and drove up thru the old Silver mines. It was high above Creede with lots of old mining towns and mines. It was a beautiful sunny day and the aspen were a beautiful yellow.

Bachelor Loop Mine

Enjoying the Aspen Along the Loop

Aspen and Old Mine

Our Campground Deer

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