
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bayfield, WI (July 20-21)

Sunday, July 20th

Today we traveled from Duluth, MN to Bayfield, WI, a very short trip of about 125 miles. We stopped at the Rustic Roost in Iron River, WI for a late breakfast. Then on our way into Bayfield, we stopped at a huge visitors center where we saw some beautiful stained glass stepping stones depicting six lighthouses of the Apostle Islands, which are off of Bayfield. We also viewed some beautiful photography of the area by local photographers.

We are camped at the Apostle Islands View Campground for two nights. When we arrived about 2:00, two of our three campsites were still occupied with no sight of the campers who were supposed to have left at noon which was the checkout time! One of us got set up with the other two pulled off in the field. About 3:30, the campers came back thinking that they could just stay where they were for another night--NOT.

We had dinner at Maggie's Restaurant, which reminded us of Florida with all of its "Flamingos Up North" motif. Click on "Maggie's" above and then click in picture frame to see a slideshow.

Larry & Patty: Sorry you had to miss going to this restaurant with us. You would have loved it!

Here's Jean hugging the Black Bear at the restaurant!

Raspberry Light Stained Glass Stone and the Real Lighthouse

Maggie's Restaurant

Jim's Whitefish Dinner

Maggie's Restaurant Inside with Flamingos Everywhere

Gene and Jean Baldwin Celebrated Their 57th Anniversary this Month!

This evening we went to the Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua (sha-ta-qwa) show called "30th Star" which was about how Wisconsin became a state (the 30th) with old time pictures, narration, music and dance. It is a year round non profit performing arts organization with a rich history. They operate a 900-seat, all-canvas, state-of-the-art tent theater. It was very entertaining and informative. They were celebrating "Lake Superior Day" on the 20th, which was the day that we were there, and we all got pins saying "Go Jump in the Lake".

Monday, July 21st

Today we took the GRAND TOUR boat trip (Apostle Islands Cruise Service) ($37.95 ea) that takes you on a narrated, 55-mile, cruise aboard the ISLAND PRINCESS. We passed Raspberry and Devils Island Lighthouses and several sea caves on Lake Superior. It was kind of gray looking when we left the Bayfield harbor this a.m. and we got into a lot of fog as we went around the islands. The captain even had to blow his fog horn several times. But when we got up close to an island, the fog lifted and we could see the sights. But look at the harbor after we returned to the dock--a beautiful sunny day! I guess we should have taken the afternoon boat trip--but it didn't go to the same places as the a.m. trip! We had a nice lunch at the Pier Plaza restaurant here at the dock and look at what we had for dessert! Fresh strawberry shortcake. Bayfield is known as the Berry Capital of Wisconsin.

Apostle Islands Cruise Ship

Sea Caves, Apostle Island

Harbor View in Afternoon

Fresh Strawberry Shortcake at Harbor Plaza!

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