
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Wed, Sep 12th - Bear Lake Rd & Moraine Park

Today is our last day in the Rocky Mountain National Park area. Chuck took the picture below from our campsite. Great view, huh!

We drove into the last two areas of the park that we had not seen. We stopped at the Moraine Park Museum first and found out that the snow areas that we had seen in the park were really small glaciers! Here's a picture of the Tyndall Glacier near Bear Lake.

We stopped and walked to Sprague Lake where we saw these lake trout. Isn't the water clear!

When we got up to Bear Lake, we took a mile-trek around the lake and saw some Aspen that had started to turn yellow. I hope we get to see more in the next week and a half that we are in Colorado (see below photos).

We left the Bear Lake area and drove down to Moraine Park. Well, we didn't get to see a coyote last night, but one walked across the road right in front of us today (see below)! We also got to see an Elk standing in the shade by a stream (see below). What a great view from this valley too.

Well, this evening was our last chance to view the elk before we leave tomorrow morning. We got to hear a pack of coyotes and then one ran thru the field in front of us close to a herd of elk. It is the beginning of rut season for the elk and the male elk spend a lot of time chasing other male elks away from their "women". Tonight one male kept rounding up his cows and chasing off several other males. He had a harem of about 25 cows.

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