
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Manitou Springs, CO

Wed (9-16-09): This a.m. we stopped in Limon, CO to fill up at the new Flying J. Very nice facility! We had an early lunch there and our watress, Sandi, was really sweet. As we got closer to Colorado Springs, it started to rain and the Halsteads started to have trouble with their coach! As we got to the downtown area, it was POURING and was running down the streets. Couldn't believe just how deep it was in the right lane (about a foot). We stayed in the other lane! Not ideal for driving thru a city. Wished I'd have taken some pics!

We didn't make it up to Pikes Peak today because there was no parking at their facility for us and that was probably a good thing as the view wouldn't have been very good for a train ride. It did stop raining late afternoon so we did go to the Garden of the Gods (which Chuck and I had visited two years ago, but the rest hadn't) and drove thru looking at the rock formations and went to the Visitor Center and the Trading Post. We had tried getting a pic of a Pinion Jay the last time we were here and one didn't cooperate as they don't usually sit still. Well, Chuck got lucky this time and one posed for him! Chuck also took several pics of the snow covered Pikes Peak in the clouds. It was dinner at The Nile Cafe in Manitou where we learned what a Hookah is and they even had them for sale for about $250.00 1/2 price. Then we drove back up the mountain to the campground for bed!

Pikes Peak in the Clouds

Garden of the Gods

Pinion Jay (He Posed for Us)

Trading Post at Garden of the Gods

Hookahs For Sale

We're here at the Rocky Top Motel & Campground Site MH35 in Green Mt Falls, CO for the night. It's warm jammies and electric heater time.

Early Morning View out the Coach Window

Check out our friends, Halstead's, blog for more info and another perspective of our trip.

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