
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ouray, CO

Tue (9-22-09): We drove from Lake City to Ouray today, passing by the beautiful Blue Mesa. We are now at the 4J+1+1 RV Park, Site 2PT with lots of space on 790 Oak St [970-325-4418]. We had lunch today at The True Grit Cafe [970-626-5739] in Ridgway. The Coopers, Mertz and Nelsons have now joined us, so we are now 12.

Beautiful Blue Mesa

Halsteads and Coopers Having Dinner in Ouray

Wed (9-23-09): We went on a half day San Juan Scenic Jeep Tour to the top of Red Mt. #3 (almost 13,000 ft). It is on private property and not somewhere we could jeep ourselves. We stopped at several Mining Ghost Towns and abandoned mines. The road to the top of the mountain above the tree line was VERY narrow and VERY steep. Chuck was on the outside traveling up and could look straight down the side. I didn't look. It was a COLD ride back and we were glad that our driver passed out wool blankets to shield the wind as he drove 45/50 mph down 550 back to Ouray.

Looking Up At Red Mt #3

Beautiful Red Mountains #1 & #2 and the Road Below

Here we are at the Top of Red Mt #3

Looking at Part of the Road that We Came Up

Chuck on Top of Red Mt #3 Taking Pictures (He's all bundled up!)

Our Friends, Lois Campbell and JR and Betty Mertz on Top of Red Mt #3

Storm was Heading Our Way but Lighting was Beautiful on the Other Red Mts

Passenger Cindy Climbed the Tower so She Could be at 13,000 ft

The Road Down (Chuck took pic; I didn't look!)

Thu (9-24-09): We rented jeeps again and JimC, BobN, JR & Betty Mertz and Chuck & I headed off early (0730 a.m.) to drive over the Ophir Pass and then back over the Imogene Pass to Ouray. We stopped in Telluride and had coffee and a sticky bun. We took a side trip part way up Black Bear Pass to see the waterfall there and then we headed over to the Tomboy Road that goes to Imogene Pass. When we got to the Tomboy Mine site, we ate our picnic lunches. Imogene Pass is the highest point that we have been on--13,114 ft. We had jeeped this trail two years ago and the pass had snow on it. This time--not much snow!

Betty Mertz, Bob Nelson, Donna Tolson, Jim Campbell and JR Mertz at the Top of Ophir Pass

View Down to the Little Town of Ophir From the Pass

Waterfall Near Black Bear Pass Outside of Telluride

Picnic Lunch at Tomboy Mine Looking Down at Telluride
[JR, Betty, Donna, Jim and Bob]

Donna and Betty at the Top of Imogene Pass [13,114 ft]

View From Imogene Pass

Imogene Pass With a Little Snow

That evening, our last in Ouray, we all ate at the Papillion on Main. The Pomegranate Martini was wonderful and after a day jeeping on the "edge", I needed it! Tomorrow we head out for Silverton over the Million Dollar Highway. Another road that is 2 lanes wide with no guard rails and no land over the white line on the passenger side on the first 4 or so miles climbing up and out of Ouray. It's a beautiful drive, but as a passenger in a motor home, I didn't look down, but straight ahead helping watch for the semis that were coming down the mountain and wanted more than their lane!

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