
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday After Ike!

Oh did Ike blow thru last night! We were woken up by big gusts of wind and heavy rain about 2:30 a.m. The eye came right over us. But by dawn, the sun was out and the campground folks were out with chain saws cutting up all the trees and limbs that Ike blew over. Linda and Jim headed out early to get back to VA so they could get ready to head up to NY for a wedding and then to Myrtle Beach for a month! Larry and Mem also headed out shortly after and were going to their daughters in Indianapolis, IN to visit grandchildren on their way back to VA.
I spent hours on the computer getting bills paid and working on this blog. Chuck puttered around the coach and then watched the NASCAR race in the afternoon.
It was nice to have a free day to catch up.

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