
Saturday, October 6, 2007

Tue, Oct 9th - Jeeping the Shafer Trail up to Dead Horse Park

Shafer Trail

Another day of jeeping up another trail. We just love it and are so glad that the Mertz' have included us in all the fun!

These petroglyphs were different than we had seen before. They kind of look like centipedes!

Remember the movie "Thelma and Louise"? Well it wasn't Arizona where they drove off the cliff. It was here in Moab and they catapulted the "stripped down to nothing car: over this cliff and into the Colorado River.

Dead Horse Point--This made a perfect, natural corral for horses as there is a narrow piece of land behind it (that you can't see in this picture) that they could gate off to keep the horses out on the point.

Here's a picture of the "Z" trail that we climbed up in the Mertz' jeep. Boy it was steep!

Here we are almost to the top of the Shafer trail having lunch with a view that looks down on the trail that we just drove up--see that light colored line almost in the middle of the picture--that was the easy part of the trail.

This is the view looking down from Dead Horse Point. Can you make out the white rock formation that is in the shape of a horse? It's legs are pointing toward the bottom right corner of the picture. The river is the Colorado River.

Pucker Pass--yes, we had to drive under this rock to get down the trail!

And Betty Mertz made it thru just fine alone with the rest of the group.

Dinner at the Moab Brewery

Linda & Bill Johnson

Neil & Marlene Elkins, Rally Masters

LaVerne & Bob Foerster

John & Judy Wittenberg

Sue & Bobbie Bryan

Junior & Betty Mertz checking out some pictures Junior took.

Lollie & Denny Kendrick

Violet & Bob Radd

Karen and John Didich

Gayelene & Jack Muckenthaler

Jim & Margie Madole

Some how we missed getting a picture of the Wagners, but they are in alot of our other photos as we did alot of sightseeing with them!

Tomorrow Oct 10th, we say goodbye to all of our friends, old and new and head for a Wal Mart in New Mexico! We will be heading back east via route 40 and then up I81 in VA.

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