
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Thu, Sep 13th - Estes Park to Wal-Mart, Salida, CO

Well, last night we had some company in the campground--coyotes! They "howled" during the night! Today was a travel day for us. We left Estes Park early this morning and drove south to Salida, CO. We got to drive thru the Eisenhower Tunnel on I70 thru the mountains. The grade was 6% and very curvy! Here are some photos of what we saw. (Added info: I forgot to mention that as we were coming west across I70, we had several big horn sheep come down the side of the mountain up in front of us and a highway truck quickly passed us and got in front of them on the shoulder before they came into the roadway. That was close. What a mess that would have been going down a 6% grade with the road full of cars, tractor trailers and US! We also saw a herd of bison along this route--but they were fenced in!)

We turned south off of I70 onto Rt 91 to Rt 24 and then Rt 285. Some of this drive was also at a 6% grade and very curvy. The Arkansas River was on our left and 14,000-ft mountains on our right all along this route. Here we saw some beautiful yellow Aspen trees. We stocked up on food at the Wal-Mart in Salida. Tomorrow we will drive down to Ouray and camp there for 5 days.

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