
Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sat, Sep 8 - Estes Park & Rocky Mt Nat'l Park

We decided to leave Colorado Springs a day early--mistake. I forgot that the Scottish/Irish Highland Festival was going on in Estes Park till Sunday and that is why I had planned for us to arrive there on Sunday after they had ended! This picture shows the 8-mile backup going down into Estes Park. Oh well, it was another good chance to make sandwiches for lunch and eat them as we crept along. We are now camped at Elk Meadows on the other side of town from the festival and just outside the entrance to the Park.

About 5:00, we decided to stop at the visitor center for the Park and get a map and talk to a ranger about good places to go. He suggested that we drive into the park where the elk were known to be and see if we could catch a bull elk bugling. We did find two groups of cows and calves, but only one group had a bull elk herding them around in a group. Didn't get to hear him bugle, but it was fun to watch him keep them in a circle every time one would wander off.

I did spy (with binoculars) a coyote crouching down in the grass off in the distance watching one group of cows. Elk Meadows RV Park website
Rocky Mt National Park websites:
Estes Park websites:

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